Mohandas Gandhi

         For National History Day, 2009, we decided to create a web site based on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s experiences with the truth. We believed that his teachings and actions created an impact on the people of his time and it even affects people in today’s society.  Gandhi was a peaceful character who worked to eliminate all violence and war. His life and legacies intrigued, and we were motivated to do our project on him. Mohandas Gandhi’s actions and legacies provided us with a chance to construct a project regarding his life, and how it had an effect on the world.

         We chose to use various sources, with and without the help of the internet, in order to conduct research on Gandhi’s life. We only used the web sites that contained plenty of accurate information and seemed reliable. The sites that were used in our presentation proved themselves to be very helpful and precise. However, most of our primary sources came from books written by close friends or relatives of Gandhi, even an autobiography by Gandhi himself, speeches, and pictures. We found the primary book sources to be extremely helpful in unraveling the truth and reason behind his actions, especially the autobiography. The people we selected to use in our interviews showed that they held a great amount of knowledge on the subject and included it in each answer. All of our sources were carefully examined before they were chosen to be a part of our web site presentation.

          The category of our presentation was considered with a great amount of thought and eventually chosen because we believed it presented our information and diagrams on our subject the best. The category chosen was a historical web site. In order to create the presentation, we used to format the layout of our web site. We found this site to come in handy, for it was easy to navigate and provided us with the proper tools and objects. We created several pages for the information so the text was not crammed into one window. In addition, we also made sure our site was simple enough to use by keeping a low number of tabs and using hyperlinks to direct to the source we used. Various shades of green were used throughout the site because green represents birth and change. Gandhi’s work brought about the peaceful change as a new country, India, was born.

          Our project directly relates to the actions and legacies of a great hero who had an impact on many societies. Mohandas Gandhi is an extraordinary historical figure who lectured people on the importance of peace and the consequences of violence. Almost everything he knew he learned through life experiences. The technique he used to help spread his ideas of truth and non-violence was extraordinary and affected the lives of many. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is an appropriate character who is fit for the theme of National History Day.


Word Count: 483


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